Why do you do this for free? (In other words, what’s the catch?)
No catch! Read about why we are offering you our services for free here.
How long will the interview take?
About 15 minutes is usually all we need to write you a darn good story for your website! We’ll also work with your local chamber of commerce to post the story on their blog.
How long after the interview will my story be ready?
We start writing your story immediately after we interview you and we’ll send it to you as quickly as possible! In rare cases it could take two weeks, but we’ll work hard to send it to you much more quickly.
Will this really help my business?
Absolutely! At Start Story, we believe in backing up our claims with research. Our homepage describes the many different ways you’ll benefit by letting us tell your story. Visit this page for a partial list of research that supports our claims.
Can I talk to someone to get more information?
Of course! Our contact information is at this link. We’d love to hear from you!